Site icon William Toti | Captain USN (RET) & Former CEO Sparton Corp | Military Transition & Industry Leadership Expert

Podcast Episode 3: Knowing When to Make your Move

Introduction, in print

Chapter 2:  Knowing When to Make your Move

How much runway do you have left?

That’s a question in the corporate world that may determine how much business owners are likely to invest time and money in developing you as an employee — or whether they hire you at all…

I cover this in Chapter 2 of my book “From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership.” The fact is the later you transition to the civilian workforce, the less time an employer has to get a return on investment, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to jump ship early.

The right answer’s different for everyone, so check this out and learn more at

Purchase the book at Barnes & Noble here:

Meet Captain Toti here

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