William Toti


Category: Podcast Episodes

Podcast Episode 8: Mastering New Skills

Chapter 7:  Mastering New Skills Today’s video covers Chapter 7 from my new book, From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership. I share a personal story from my service that highlights a stark contrast between the Army and Navy. But as many differences as there are, those branches […]

Podcast Episode 7: Getting Hired

Chapter 6:  Getting Hired In this video, I share about Chapter 6 from my new book, From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership. This chapter covers the mechanics of searching for a job, preparing your resume, interfacing with recruiters/head hunters, applying for the job, interviewing, negotiating compensation and […]

Podcast Episode 6: Exploring Career Options

Chapter 5:  Exploring Career Options In today’s video, I share from Chapter 5 of my new book, From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership. Want to find out if my new book, From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership, is right […]

Podcast Episode 5: Targeting the Right Company

Chapter 4:  Targeting the Right Company In today’s video, I share from Chapter 4 of my new book, From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership. This chapter is focused on targeting the right company. I share the difference between public and private companies, profit and nonprofit organizations, and […]

Great coverage of my book in Military Families Magazine!

My book has been covered in Military Families Magazine Great news!  My book “From CO to CEO: A Practi cal Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership” is was covered in the March edition of Military Families Magazine. You can buy the book at Barnes & Noble here Read about Captain Toti here From […]

Podcast Episode 4: Things I Wish I Knew Back When

Chapter 3:  Things I Wish I Knew Back When In chapter three of my book, “From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership,” I share about the things I wish I knew back when.   In this video, you’ll hear a story about when I selected my Eagle Scout project […]

Podcast Episode 3: Knowing When to Make your Move

Chapter 2:  Knowing When to Make your Move How much runway do you have left? That’s a question in the corporate world that may determine how much business owners are likely to invest time and money in developing you as an employee — or whether they hire you at all… I cover this in Chapter […]

Podcast Episode 2: That One Thing

Chapter 1:  That One Thing In this video, I introduce you to Chapter 1 of my book, From CO to CEO, and what I call “The Great Lie.” The Great Lie is how I refer to what we’re told when we’re preparing to transition from active-duty military to industry. I also reveal the one thing […]

Podcast Episode 1: Introduction to my book

Introduction This podcast episode covers the introduction of my book, “From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership.”  It introduces the preface written by Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward, USN (Ret), and expands into topics such as why I wrote the book and what you will learn from the […]

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